In a distant realm, a mystical alchemist accidentally combined enchanted slime with the essence of a reaper's scythe, giving birth to the enigmatic Slime Reaper. This elusive creature possesses the power to manipulate and control all forms of slime, wielding it as a deadly weapon against its adversaries. With each strike of its scythe, the Slime Reaper can absorb its opponents' strength and transform them into helpless minions. Legends say that those who possess the Slime Reaper's miniature gain an edge in battles, harnessing the true power of this formidable creature. Channel its dark powers in your strategic games and conquer your foes with its unique and formidable abilities.
Product Details
3D Printed - Resin Printer
Specifications - Printed From Elegoo Water Washable Resin on the Anycubic Photon Mono X
Model Dimensions (LxWxH) - 43.8mm x 52.6mm x 81.2mm (1.7" x 2.0" x 3.1")
Design Details - Licensed Design Created By Printed Obsession
Note From the QuestBourne Team
We print every miniature and wash/clean them manually. While there's always the chance for small defects or anomalies in 3D prints, we try our best to make sure that every miniature that we ship is as close to perfect as we can make it!